Get Etched and the Kyle Petty Charity Ride!

On July 14th, 2007 Get Etched teamed up with the Kyle Petty Charity Ride in Bar Harbor, Maine to help raise money for the Victory Junction Gang Camp in North Carolina. The day was filled with a lobster bake, a lumberjack and lumberjill perfomance, and a concert by the Don Campbell Band. In attendance were over 275 riders and a few celeberties including Richard Petty, Davis Love III, Herschel Walker, and Nikki Taylor.
The Victory Junction Gang Camp is a camp for terminally ill children and is a part of the Hole in the Wall Gang camp family.
The idea for the camp came from Adam Petty, who was a teenage stock car driver (as well as the son of NASCAR veteran Kyle Petty, the grandson of seven-time champion Richard Petty, and great-grandson of two-time champion Lee Petty).
On May 12, 2000 Adam Petty was killed in a practice crash at NHIS. Kyle and his wife, Pattie (Huffman) Petty, carried on Adam’s vision and spent four years raising money for, and building, the camp. On June 20, 2004 — Father’s Day –the VJGC welcomed its first campers.
To date, the Ride has logged more than 45,000 miles, included more than 5,350 riders and donated more than $9 million to charity.